"Sharpe's Triumph" By Bernard Cornwell

Nobody puts you in the midst of battle as well as Cornwell. The triumph, glory, sheer terror, panic and blood and gore are all here.

Sgt. Sharpe is in the thick of things when Wellington's small army fights the mercenary forces of the Mahratta Confederation of India in 1803. The culminating battle takes place at the town of Assaye, between the rivers Juah and Kaitua. Wellington's vastly outnumbered army outflanks and goes eyeball to eyeball with the Mahratta Calvary, infantry, and artillery. Due to the death of Wellington's aide, Sharpe takes over and saves Wellington's life and is rewarded with promotion to ensign.

Before the battle, Sharpe attends his old friend Colonel McCandless, who had spent time with Sharpe in captivity and taught him how to read (see Sharpe's Tiger). McCandless takes Sharpe in pursuit of the English deserter, Major Dodd, once a lieutenant in the east India Company forces, but now a murdering traitor serving ex sergeant, now colonel, Puhlmann, commander of the Mahratta armies.

A truly exciting read with the same quality of all other Cornwell books. "Says so in the scriptures". Oh yes, Obadiah Hakeswill is also on Shape's trail.

Reviewed by Kenneth S. Smith 30 September 1999

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